Fourth Round 2021

Conference History

In October 2021, The 4th International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning (IACETL) was held in Brussels, Belgium. Covering such important topics as special education, education policy and leadership, learning psychology, assessment and evaluation, machine learning, inductive reasoning, and many other relevant subjects, this engaging education and learning conference made a platform to address the latest trends and common challenges in the field.

Thanks to everyone who attended the conference. We look forward to your participation in the next rounds!

Virtual Sessions

Keynote Speakers

education conference

Dr. Linda Carozza


Presentation Title: Online Teaching and Learning    

Dr. Carozza’s academic background is in Philosophy – in particular, Argumentation Theory. Her passion lies in the classroom with students – teaching critical reasoning.  Accordingly, her research interests have grown to encompass pedagogy. Having taught in blended and online formats since 2012, Dr. Carozza has formally studied e-learning. She founded an E-learning Community of Practice on campus at York University in 2019 that includes instructors and educational staff from across different faculties at York University. She has received several grants to pilot and improve digital pedagogy, as well she is involved in investigating e-learning in various empirical studies. For recent publications see:

education conference

Dr. Olga Samsonova


Presentation Title: Transformation of Education in 21st Century    

Dr. Olga Samsonova holds two Masters Degrees, one in Early Childhood Education with a Special Education endorsement from Brooklyn College, USA (2009) and the other in History from Simferopol State University, Ukraine (1999). She earned her Ph.D. in Learning, Instruction, and Innovation from Walden University, USA (2017). She has over 20 years of experience in adult continuing education and K-12 environments. Her primary research focuses are 1) Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 2) Online Resources for Effective Teaching, and 3) Blended Learning.

For recent publications:

Highlighted Speakers

Author Article Title Affiliation
Ms. Irish Dianne Madriaga Strategies of Teachers in Teaching Children with Special Needs in Online Learning UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS, Philippines
Prof. Dr. Therese Wehman Using Service-Learning as Experiential-Learning: Strategies for Developing Successful Domestic and International Partnerships Elmhurst University, United States
Prof. Dr. Michael Patrick Savage Using Service-Learning as Experiential-Learning: Strategies for Developing Successful Domestic and International Partnerships Elmhurst University, United States
 Ms. Arezou Malek Gerdeh The Effect of Peer Assessment on Improvement of Iranian Pre-Intermediate EFL learner’s Oral Production Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
Chad Wood, MSC Teacher Agency as a Means to the Inclusion of Students with Diverse Learning Needs: A Qualitative Cross-Case Analysis of a Primary Class Teacher and a Special Education Learning Support Teacher at an International School in Central Europe University of San Diego, United States
Ms. Dian Jiang Facilitate ESL Class Participation: Establishing and Maintaining an Online Community of Learners University of Southern California, United States
Mr. Khalid BABA A comparative study of synchronous and asynchronous learning during COVID-19 crisis Mohammadia School of Engineering, Morocco
Mr. Sultan Samah A Alenezi Investigation into the Role of Blogging as Interactive Technology to Improve Saudi EFL Writing Abilities in Different Genres of Writing through the Application of Process Genre Approach UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK, Ireland
Mr. Jorge Olivares Funes Geogebra in the First-Order and Degree Two Differential Equations Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Mrs. Munira Al Siyab The Presence of Learner Identity in Online Classes in UTAS-Rustaq UTAS-Rustaq, Oman
Mr. Dominik Voráč Media Education in the Czech Republic Palacký university in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Czech Republic
Ms. Stefany Juliana Noa Copaja The Connectivist model and virtual learning networks: Experiences in second language learning at a remote distance Jorge Basadre Grohmann University , Peru
Mrs. Daria Nedashkovskaia Russian Educational Communities in Social Networks as an Alternative Way to Exchange Knowledge IT company Yandex, Russia
Mrs. Sharon Tonner-Saunders Exploring Student Teachers’ Experiences of Engaging in Hands of The World, A Contextualised Global Intercultural eTwinning Project University of Dundee, United Kingdom
 Ms. Marina Tyuleneva Extracurricular Inclusive Educational Activities at Orphanages Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Russia
Ms. Lenka Nosková Creating Didactic Games in Group Work: Key Competencies Development of Secondary Vocational School Students Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Petra Havaj Kuharič, MSC. On The Way to a Healthy Spine in the Workplace Primary school, Slovenia
Petra Havaj Kuharič, MSC. Case Study: Achieving Goals In An Individualized Education Program For Students With Special Needs Primary school, Slovenia